Friday, October 28, 2011

Retroactive Abortion ...

A short time ago, I was involved in what I assume has to be described as a debate with one of my college professors. Normally, I would not engage in such conversation; however, I could not believe some of the things that were being said, and it was about a topic that I am rather passionate about ... Abortion. It was said that women should not have to suffer for the mistakes that they have made. The frustration for me is that these "mistakes" are what I like to refer to as choices! I am not the hardcore anti-abortion fanatic that most people would expect considering my upbringing and religious beliefs; I have to admit that if my wife were a victim of rape abortion would be a consideration for me, and certainly when there are medical concerns I would not condemn anyone who made the choice to abort ... But, if you consciously and willingly make a decision that leads to pregnancy, there is only one way to get pregnant, there are consequences to that decision! Again, I normally wouldn't, but I couldn't resist to engage the topic ... A Political Science class, about 200 people, assuming very few of the college aged students would agree with me, and it was obvious that the teacher did not. I made several comments, but the final blow on which the conversation ended was when I said, "If a person makes a choice to have sex, there are certain possible outcomes from that act. To say that a person has the right to undo the affects of that act would be like saying that I could now kill my teenagers, a sort of retroactive abortion, because I decided that I no longer want to deal with the consequences of my previous actions!"

For some reason, no one had a response ...

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